Category Archives: Whistleblower

Supreme Court States that it Will not Broaden Whistleblower Protections
Late last month, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to broaden the protections offered to employees who report employment-related misconduct. Instead, the Court ruled that whistleblowers must file claims of wrongdoing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) before they will gain any protection from retaliation by their employers. The ruling could have important implications… Read More »

Former Wells Fargo Employees Claim They were Fired for Whistleblowing
Recently, Wells Fargo was ordered to repay a former employee back pay and to reinstate her to her former position after she was terminated for whistleblowing. If you were fired for reporting a workplace violation and want to learn more about filing your own claim for compensation, please contact a wrongful termination lawyer as… Read More »

Whistleblower Claims Under the False Claims Act
The False Claims Act allows private individuals to file lawsuits against other people or entities who have directly or indirectly defrauded the federal government. Those who alert the government of violations that constitute fraud are often referred to as “whistleblowers” and are granted certain protections from retaliation. The FCA A person, entity, or business… Read More »